Moscow University Press
New Italian Grammar

New Italian Grammar

Новая Италианская грамматика
выбор редакции
ISBN: 978-5-19-011880-3 publication date: 2024 format: 60×90/16. pages': 206

The publication is intended for a wide range of readers interested in the history of Moscow University.


This edition publishes a unique work — the fi rst grammar of the Italyan language, published in Russia in Russian. The historical signifi cance of this grammar is that it was written by a student of the fi rst set of Moscow University, Egor Bulatnitsky, and printed in 1759 in the printing house of the Moscow University. Grammar laid the tradition of writing educational grammars at Moscow University and became a milestone in the development of the scientifi c and methodological school of teaching foreign languages.

The publication contains comments on the grammar text and an article about the history of teaching the Italian language in Moscow and Moscow University (the second half of the XVIII — early XIX centuries).

The publication is intended for a wide range of readers interested in the history of Moscow University.

To cite this article
Bulatnitsky, Egor. New Italian Grammar / Publication, notes, article by A. P. Lobodanov. M.: Moscow University Press, 2024. 208 р., fi g. (From the Treasury of Moscow University).
About the author
Bulatnitskiy Egor