Moscow University Press
German for history students. Practical course

German for history students. Practical course

Немецкий язык для студентов-историков. Практический курс
book lists german language
ISBN: 978-5-211-06401-0 publication date: 2013 format: 60×901/16 pages': 368
The manual contains a detailed presentation of sections of German grammar, historical texts, grammatical and lexical exercises. The purpose of the manual is to familiarize students with the basic grammatical phenomena of the German language, teach them to see the grammatical structure of the text for its understanding and translation, and instill in them the skills of independent practical application of acquired knowledge both in oral and written speech. The manual will help students master the grammatical system of the language necessary for communication, i.e. in speaking, listening, as well as in understanding foreign language literature and the ability to extract key information from original sources. For students of history departments at universities who are focused on a long period of study, especially for those starting to study German as a second foreign language.
To cite this article
Davankova E.G. German for history students. Practical course. – M.: Moscow University Publishing House, 2013. – 368 p.
About the author
Davankova E. G.

Ph.D in Philological,

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