Moscow University Press

Немецкий язык
book lists german language
ISBN: 978-5-211-05402-8 publication date: 2007 format: 60×901/16 pages': 288

The textbook contains an introduction (about the Germanic group of languages, about the historical periods of development of the German language, about the political structure of Germany), an introductory phonetic course (with rules of pronunciation, reading, stress, types of intonation, texts, poems, songs), a basic course (with texts about universities in different countries and on current topics), as well as exercises on phonetics, vocabulary, grammar and word formation of the German language.

The textbook is accompanied by a reference book on German grammar, which is referenced in the main course. The purpose of the textbook is to give students the skills of oral speech, reading German fiction, journalistic, scientific literature, and also to familiarize them to a certain extent with the culture of the countries of the language being studied.

To cite this article
Ivleva G.G., Raevsky M.V. German. – M.: Moscow University Publishing House, 2007. – 288 p.
About the authors
Ivleva G.G. Raevskij M.V.