Moscow University Press
The Unbanished Thought. Philology of P.M. Bitsilli

The Unbanished Thought. Philology of P.M. Bitsilli

Неизгнанная  мысль. Филология П.М. Бицилли.
book lists literary studies
ISBN: 978-5-211-05988-7 publication date: 2011 format: 60х90 1/16 pages': 148

The book is of interest both for philologists and for a wide range of readers who are interested in the history of Russian science and the fate of Russian émigrés.


The monograph is the first attempt to summarize and systematize the philological views of the outstanding Russian émigré scholar Peter Mikhailovich Bitsilli. It analyzes in detail the scholar’s linguocultural and sociolinguistic concept, his views on the nature of poetic speech, the formation and existence of the norm in the language, the main stages of the history of Russian literary language development.

The book is of interest both for philologists and for a wide range of readers who are interested in the history of Russian science and the fate of Russian émigrés.

To cite this article
Annenkova I.V. The Unbanished Thought. Philology of P.M. Bitsilli. — Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2011. — 148 p.
About the author
Annenkova I.V.