Moscow University Press
Science and Religion. Dialogues

Science and Religion. Dialogues

Наука и религия. Диалоги
book lists philosophy
ISBN: 978-5-211-06430-0 publication date: 2012 format: 60×90 1/16 pages': 488

For a wide range of readers.


This book is a collection of all the dialogues that were conducted between Academician A. Logunov, a Soviet Russian prominent physicist and a former rector of the Moscow State University, and D. Ikeda, a Japanese philosopher and the founder of Soka University, for a quarter of a century, in two different – Soviet and Russian – periods. In their dialogue ‘Science and Religion’, the scholars attempt to find common ground between Buddhist philosophy and advanced scientific views and discuss problems of modern civilization and mankind’s spiritual growth. In the dialogue ‘The Third Rainbow Bridge’ where they compare national peculiarities and socio-economic differences of the two countries, they are engaged in the search for humanistic views, which are common for all people in order to promote development of beneficial relations between countries and peoples.

To cite this article
Logunov A., Ikeda D. Science and Religion. Dialogues. — Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2012. — 488 p.
About the authors
Logunov A. Ikeda D.