Moscow University Press
Methods for solving problems with parameters

Methods for solving problems with parameters

Методы решения  задач с параметрами
ISBN: 978-5-19-011238-2 publication date: 2018 format: 60×90 1/16 pages': 368
This manual is devoted to problems with parameters, which for most applicants are traditionally tasks of increased difficulty. The manual focuses on the classification of methods based on the use of various properties of functions (boundedness, monotonicity, periodicity, parity, etc.), symmetry of variables, use of the derivative, as well as special techniques for solving problems with parameters that require deep knowledge of school mathematics and high logical culture, which is supported by a large number of examples from the options entrance exams to Moscow State University. For students and teachers of secondary schools, gymnasiums, lyceums and colleges, applicants, heads of mathematical clubs, teachers and students of preparatory departments and courses.
To cite this article
Natyaganov V. L., Luzhina L. M. Methods for solving problems with parameters. – M.: Moscow University Publishing House, 2018. – 368 p.
About the authors
Natyaganov V.L.

Ph.D in Physico-Mathematical Sciences,

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Luzhina L.M.

Ph.D in Physico-Mathematical Sciences,

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