Moscow University Press
Local Self-Government in the System of State and Public Relations

Local Self-Government in the System of State and Public Relations

Местное самоуправление в системе государственных и общественных отношений
book lists law
ISBN: 5-211-05151-3 publication date: 2005 format: 60х90 1/16 pages': 176

For students, graduate students and teachers of law. It will be interesting and useful to central and local government officials, all those who are interested in finding out how to organize the management of society’s affairs in the most effective way.


The monograph is devoted to the study of local government in Russia. It examines the ideological and scientific-theoretical foundations of local self-government, its historical forms and institutions. Particular attention is paid to the aspects and subjects of interaction between local government, state and civil society at the present stage of Russian statehood development.

For students, graduate students and teachers of law. It will be interesting and useful to central and local government officials, all those who are interested in finding out how to organize the management of society’s affairs in the most effective way.

To cite this article
Timofeev N.S. Local Self-Government in the System of State and Public Relations. — Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2005. — 176 p.
About the author
Timofeev N.S.