Moscow University Press
By Changing Himself He Changed the World for the Better. In Memory of G.V. Barabashev

By Changing Himself He Changed the World for the Better. In Memory of G.V. Barabashev

Меняясь сам, изменял мир к лучшему. Памяти Г.В. Барабашева
book lists law
ISBN: 5-211-05140-8 publication date: 2005 format: 60х90 1/16 pages': 160

For students, postgraduates, teachers of law universities and a wide range of readers who are interested in state and legal subjects.


Materials of the scientific conference dedicated to the memory of G.V. Barabashev (Moscow, 2004). The collection contains articles devoted to the topical problems of constitutional and municipal law as well as memoirs about Georgy V. Barabashev, a famous scientist in the field of state studies.

For students, postgraduates, teachers of law universities and a wide range of readers who are interested in state and legal subjects.

To cite this article
Avakyan S.A. , editor. By Changing Himself He Changed the World for the Better. In Memory of G.V. Barabashev. — Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2005. — 160 p.
About the author
Avakyan S.A.