Moscow University Press
People of Beautiful France

People of Beautiful France

Люди прекрасной Франции
book lists history studies
ISBN: 5-211-04407-х publication date: 2003 format: 60×90 1/16 pages': 160

For a wide range of readers.


This historical story is written using D'Artagnan's memoirs. Unlike in Duma's famous novels, there is no fiction in it, and it preserves the memoirs as a historical and psychological monument of beautiful 17th century France. D'Artagnan saw and knew many contemporaries: from ordinary people to kings.

The book is illustrated with works of 17th century art, sculpture, and architecture.

To cite this article
Fedorova E.V. People of Beautiful France. — Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2003. — 160 p.
About the author
Fedorova E.V.