Moscow University Press
The Personality of a Politician: the Theory and Methodology of Psychological Portraying

The Personality of a Politician: the Theory and Methodology of Psychological Portraying

Личность политика: теория и методология психологического  портретирования
book lists psychology
ISBN: 978-5-211-05861-3 publication date: 2011 format: 60×90 1/16 pages': 264

For specialists in the field of political and social psychology, political science, as well as students, undergraduates and postgraduates studying political and psychological sciences.


This publication summarizes the domestic and foreign experience of building a psychological portrait of a politician's personality. It also covers the history of the phenomenon and the concept of the psychological portrait and the current state of this issue. It explores the portrait-building potential of psychological theories, methodological grounds and methods of constructing a psychological portrait. Considerable attention is paid to the problem of portraying results reliability.

For specialists in the field of political and social psychology, political science, as well as students, undergraduates and postgraduates studying political and psychological sciences.

To cite this article
Rakityanskiy N.M. Politician’s Personality: Theory and Methodology of Psychological Profiling. — Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2011. — 264 p.
About the author
Rakityanskiy N.M.

Doctor of Psychology,

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