Moscow University Press
Lectures on classical dynamics

Lectures on classical dynamics

Лекции по классической динамике
выбор редакции
ISBN: 978-5-19-011978-7 publication date: 2024 format: 70×100/16 pages': 379

The publication is intended for students of higher educational institutions studying in the fields of "Mechanics and Mathematical Modeling", "Applied Mathematics", "Fundamental Mathematics and Mechanics", for postgraduate students of the mechanical, mathematical and physical faculties of universities, and for university teachers.


The textbook, the first edition of which was published in 1984, aims to provide the most concise introduction to the subject, including both its physical foundations and differential-geometric aspects. The publication covers a number of topics in an unconventional way: kinematics, general theorems of dynamics, derivation of the Lagrange equations, the Hamilton-Jacobi equation. Some of the material goes beyond the university course: elements of the theory of linear and quadratic integrals in velocities, application of variational principles, a new proof of the Darboux theorem on canonical coordinates. The textbook includes problems illustrating and supplementing the theoretical material, and provides methodological instructions for them.

The publication is intended for students of higher educational institutions studying in the fields of "Mechanics and Mathematical Modeling", "Applied Mathematics", "Fundamental Mathematics and Mechanics", for postgraduate students of the mechanical, mathematical and physical faculties of universities, and for university teachers.

To cite this article
Lectures on classical dynamics: textbook / Ya. V. Tatarinov; Preface to the 3rd ed.: V. A. Proshkin, T. V. Shakhova, A. N. Shvets. — 3rd ed., ispr. and add. — Moscow : Moscow University Press, 2024. — 379, [5] p.: ill. — (Classical University textbook).
About the author
Tatarinov Yaroslav V.

Doctor of Physics and Mathematics,

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