Moscow University Press
Lectures on the History and Methodology of Soil Science

Lectures on the History and Methodology of Soil Science

Лекции по истории и методологии почвоведения
book lists biology geology ecology
ISBN: 978-5-211-05752-4 publication date: 2010 format: 60×90 1/16 pages': 208

For college and graduate students specializing in soil science, agronomy, agrochemistry, ecology and other related sciences.


The textbook contains lectures on the entire development of soil science from the time of ancient agricultural civilizations to the present day. It examines the history of knowledge about soils and methods of studying them, adding details of the general history of science and society. It shows the connection of pedology with related natural and human sciences, with the history of studying and developing land resources. The book pays particular attention to the methodology of soil science as a natural history science and to the roles of outstanding scientists. It analyzes the formation and development of soil science in different countries, international cooperation of pedologists and the role of scientific societies in the history of soil science. The concluding chapters cover the present period of soil science development, its tasks in overcoming the anthropogenic degradation of the soil mantle of the Earth, which is an indispensable component of the biosphere and the most important natural resource for the further development of human civilization.

For college and graduate students specializing in soil science, agronomy, agrochemistry, ecology and other related sciences.

To cite this article
Dobrovolskii G.V. Lectures on the History and Methodology of Soil Science. — Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2010. — 208 p.
About the author
Dobrovolskii G.V.

Doctor of Biology,

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