Moscow University Press
Constitutional (State) Law of Russia

Constitutional (State) Law of Russia

Конституционное (государственное) право России
book lists law
ISBN: 5-211-04088-0 publication date: 1999 format: 60х90 1/16 pages': 381

For students of non-law universities in Russia, students of extracurricular courses and institutes of advanced training and retraining of management staff.


This lecture course gives the characteristics of the basic concepts and institutions of constitutional (state) law, which is the basic branch of the Russian legal system, as well as their scientific interpretation and application practice.

The course is based on lectures delivered at the Institute of Public Administration and Social Studies of Moscow State University to students studying ‘State and municipal management’.

For students of non-law universities in Russia, students of extracurricular courses and institutes of advanced training and retraining of management staff.

To cite this article
Kolyushin E.I. Constitutional (State) Law of Russia. — Moscow: Moscow University Press, 1999. — 381 p.
About the author
Kolyushin E.I.