Moscow University Press
Competitive Russia

Competitive Russia

Конкурентная Россия
book lists economics
ISBN: 5-211-04947-0 publication date: 2004 format: 70×108 1/16 pages': 416

The collection of articles is devoted to problems of Russia's economic development in the context of globalization and new trends in international competition and competition policy. The book gives a wide coverage of modern views on competition. It summarizes the first results of the application of competition law and competition policy basing on information and analytical materials of the Ministry for Antimonopoly Policy and Support of Entrepreneurship and the editorial board of the journal ‘Competition and the Market’ (St. Petersburg)

To cite this article
Dimov V.A., editor. Competitive Russia. — Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2004. — 416 p.
About the author
Dimov V.A.