Moscow University Press
Cyrillic Publications. 17th Century — 1641. Findings of Archeographic Expeditions of 1971–1993, From the Moscow State University Library

Cyrillic Publications. 17th Century — 1641. Findings of Archeographic Expeditions of 1971–1993, From the Moscow State University Library

Кириллические издания. XVI век - 1641 год. Находки археографических экспедиций 1971-1993 гг., поступившие в библиотеку МГУ
book lists history studies
ISBN: 5-211-03953-X publication date: 2000 format: 60х90 1/16 pages': 416

For historians, bibliographers, researches of culture and history of the Church, ethnographers and ethnographers, as well as all lovers of Russian antiquities.


The book contains the results of a study of 375 Cyrillic publications of the 16th (66 copies) and 17th (309 copies) centuries, of which 363 are collected by archeographic expeditions of the Moscow University. They are included in the Department of Rare Books and Manuscripts’ 16 territorial collections of the Old Believers' books in the Moscow State University Scientific Library. The descriptions of books give as much historical information about each of the copy as possible.The book has 10 indexes (some annotated) summarizing the information of descriptions and making it easily accessible to specialists of any profile.

For historians, bibliographers, researches of culture and history of the Church, ethnographers and ethnographers, as well as all lovers of Russian antiquities.

To cite this article
Pozdeeva I.V., Erofeeva V.I., Shitova G.M. Cyrillic Publications. 17th Century — 1641. Findings of Archeographic Expeditions of 1971–1993, From the Moscow State University Library. — Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2000. — 416 p.
About the authors
Pozdeeva I.V. Erofeeva V.I. Shitova G.M.