Moscow University Press
Chemistry. Formulas for success in entrance exams

Chemistry. Formulas for success in entrance exams

Химия. Формулы успеха на вступительных экзаменах
book lists chemistry
ISBN: 5-211-05224-5 ISBN: 5-02-034350-1 publication date: 2006 format: 60х90/16 pages': 377

For applicants entering universities for chemical, medical and biological specialties, as well as for high school students and chemistry teachers.


This manual differs from most publications intended for applicants in that the largest domestic university - Moscow State University named after M.V.Lomonosov - presents all the variants of examination tasks in chemistry offered at the entrance exams at all faculties of Moscow State University over the past three years. For each option, detailed solutions of tasks or answers and instructions to the solution are provided.

The manual is intended for applicants entering universities for chemical, medical and biological specialties, as well as for high school students and chemistry teachers.

To cite this article
Kuzmenko N.E., Terenin V.I., Ryzhova O.N., etc. Chemistry. Formulas for success in entrance exams. — Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2006. — 377 p.
About the authors
Kuzmenko Nikolay E.

Doctor of Physico-Mathematical Sciences,

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Terenin Vladimir I.

Doctor of Chemistry,

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Ryzhova Oksana N.

Ph.D in Pedagogics,

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