Moscow University Press
Karl Marx and the Modern Press

Karl Marx and the Modern Press

Карл Маркс и современная пресса
ISBN: 978-5-211-05899-6 publication date: 2010 format: 60×90 1/16 pages': 248

For students and teachers of journalism faculties, publicists and all who are interested in journalistic theory and practice.


The book by the doctor of historical sciences S.M. Gurevich examines of the works and skill of Karl Marx. It reveals the characteristics of his journalistic activities, reveals important aspects of his creative method. The author explores the possibility of using the experience of Marx as the publicist in modern journalism.

For students and teachers of journalism faculties, publicists and all who are interested in journalistic theory and practice.

To cite this article
Gurevich S.M. Karl Marx and the Modern Press. — Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2010. — 248 p.
About the author
Gurevich S.M.

Doctor of History,

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