Moscow University Press
Having Business with the English. An Unsentimental Journey

Having Business with the English. An Unsentimental Journey

Как иметь дело с англичанами. Несентиментальное путешествие
book lists english language
ISBN: 5-211-04897-0 publication date: 2006 format: 60х90 1/16 pages': 208

For a wide range of readers.


This book is for those who are learning English; for those who are interested in the culture of England; for those who deal with problems of intercultural communication and regional studies; for those who are going on a trip to England; for those who want to learn how to communicate with the English and understand the features of their character and behavior.

To cite this article
Pavlovskaya A.V. Having Business with the English. An Unsentimental Journey. — Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2006. — 208 p.
About the author
Pavlovskaya A.V.