Moscow University Press
History of Russian journalism of the early twentieth century

History of Russian journalism of the early twentieth century

История русской журналистики начала ХХ века
ISBN: 978-5-19-011868-1 publication date: 2023 format: 60×90/16 pages': 364

For students of journalism faculties and departments and anyone interested in the extraordinarily dramatic history of the press of the early XX century.


The proposed textbook systematically examines the history of Russian journalism at the beginning of the XX century. When describing the press of this period,  magazines and newspapers, typological groups of publications, the author used the research of historians of Russian journalism, periodical press materials of the early 1900s, diaries and memoirs of public figures, writers and journalists. The textbook is supplemented with a textbook, which presents the most interesting publications of the studied period.

For students of journalism faculties and departments and anyone interested in the extraordinarily dramatic history of the press of the early XX century.

To cite this article
Mahonina, S.Ya. History of Russian journalism of the early twentieth century : educational and methodological kit: textbook, textbook / S.Ya.Mahonina. — 3rd ed. — Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2023. — 364, [4] p. — (Classical University textbook).
About the author
Makhonina Svetlana Ya.

Ph.D in Philological,

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