Moscow University Press
History of Mathematical Education in Russia

History of Mathematical Education in Russia

История математического образования в России
ISBN: 5-211-04686-2 publication date: 2002 format: 60×90 1/16 pages': 624

The book is addressed to researchers in the history of mathematics and the history of education, teachers of mathematics of higher and secondary educational institutions, students of mathematical specialties and all who are concerned about the fate of Russian mathematical education.


The book studies the history of mathematical education in the Russian Empire.

The book is addressed to researchers in the history of mathematics and the history of education, teachers of mathematics of higher and secondary educational institutions, students of mathematical specialties and all who are concerned about the fate of Russian mathematical education.

To cite this article
Polyakova T.S. History of Mathematical Education in Russia. — Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2002. — 624 p.
About the author
Polyakova T.S.