Moscow University Press
Information technologies of data analysis

Information technologies of data analysis

Информационные технологии анализа данных
ISBN: 978-5-19-011836-0 publication date: 2023 format: 60×90/16 pages': 295

The textbook is recommended for sociologists, marketers, political scientists, specialists in finance, economics, management, public administration.


The peculiarity of this textbook on data Analysis is that the main attention is paid to those examples that, although using the correct theoretical models and methods, contain one or more widespread errors leading to incorrect conclusions. The necessary concepts for understanding the error are described in detail, the correct solution is shown, and alternative approaches to analyzing the situation based on data mining methods are presented.

The manual reveals the use of MS Excel, STATISTICA, Genehunter, FuzzyXl software products for various data analysis tasks: hypothesis testing, dependency search, trend highlighting, forecasting, and object clustering.

The textbook is recommended for sociologists, marketers, political scientists, specialists in finance, economics, management, public administration.

To cite this article
Petrunin, Yu. Yu. Information technologies of data analysis. Data analysis: textbook / Yu. Yu. Petrunin. - 4th ed. — Moscow : Moscow University Press, 2023. — 295, [1] p. : ill., table.
About the author
Petrunin Yuriy Yu.

Doctor of Philosophy,

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