Moscow University Press
Infectious Diseases

Infectious Diseases

Инфекционные болезни
book lists medicine
ISBN: 5-211-05128-9 publication date: 2006 format: 60×90 1/16 pages': 592

For students of medical universities and medical faculties of universities, as well as graduate students, clinical residents and general practitioners.


The textbook presents modern data on the most common and rare infectious diseases of man, the history of their study, etiology, pathogenesis, clinic, diagnosis, treatment, epidemiology and prevention. It gives the materials necessary for a modern doctor to timely recognize an infectious disease and effectively treat the patient. It gives special attention to unsolved urgent issues of infectious pathology.

For students of medical universities and medical faculties of universities, as well as graduate students, clinical residents and general practitioners.

To cite this article
Bogomolov B.P. Infectious Diseases. — Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2006. — 592 p.
About the author
Bogomolov B.P.