Moscow University Press
Humanitarian biology and ecology

Humanitarian biology and ecology

Гуманитарная биология и экология
book lists biology
ISBN: 978-5-211-06183-5 publication date: 2009 format: 60х90 1/16 pages': 96
This edition presents the content of seven lessons on humanities biology – sections of biology that are directly related to social and humanitarian issues and at the same time to modern ecology. The topic is the focus of the Club "Biopolitics" (Club of Biopolitics) created in April 2010, within the framework of which one of the working groups created this manual. In addition to the text of the lessons, the manual contains recommendations for the teacher/lecturer on assignments for students, questions, visual illustrations and sources of literature. The authors hope that the textbook will contribute to improving the effectiveness of education as one of the pressing problems of modern Russia.
To cite this article
Humanitarian biology and ecology / Ed. Oleskin A.V., Kartashov E.R., Botvinko I.V. – M.: Moscow University Publishing House, 2009. — 96 p.
About the authors
Oleskin Alexander V.

Doctor of Biology,

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Kartashova E.V. Botvinko I.V.