Moscow University Press
City in post-reform Russia: sociocultural and legal aspects

City in post-reform Russia: sociocultural and legal aspects

Город в пореформенной России: социокультурные и правовые аспекты
ISBN: 978-5-19-011253-5 publication date: 2018 format: 60×90 1/16 pages': 192
The textbook examines the sociocultural and legal aspects of city life in post-reform Russia. The scientific, cognitive and educational objective of the textbook is to develop skills in understanding the systemic-functional approach to the study of culture, which underlies the implementation of its social function. The textbook is intended for university students of history faculties and humanities universities studying Russian culture. It can also be used by students of gymnasiums and humanitarian lyceums. Proceedings of the Faculty of History of Moscow State University: Vol. 94. Ser. III: INSTRUMENTA STUDIORUM, 28.
To cite this article
Koshman L.V. City in post-reform Russia: sociocultural and legal aspects. - M.: Moscow University Publishing House, 2018. - 192 p.
About the author
Koshman L. V.