Moscow University Press
Global history

Global history

Глобальная история
book lists history studies
ISBN: 978-5-19-011934-3 publication date: 2024 format: 60×90/16 pages': 576

The manual is intended for students of higher educational institutions.


The textbook reveals the main content of the global history course: methodological issues, characteristics of the most important stages of human development from the prehistoric era to the beginning of modernization. The book highlights the key global historical processes of each era and examines the specifics of their occurrence in different regions of the world.

The manual is intended for students of higher educational institutions.

To cite this article
Global history: textbook / T. L. Shestova. — 2nd ed. - Moscow: Publishing House of Moscow University, 2024. - 576 pp., color. — (Fundamentals of Global Studies: Historical Dimension).
About the author
Shestova Tatyana L.

Doctor of Philosophy, Ph.D in History,

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