Moscow University Press

Фундаментальные основы языка политики. Продвинутый курс английского языка
book lists english language
ISBN: 978-5-211-06513-0 publication date: 2013 format: 60х90 1/16 pages': 480

The present book is a sequence in the series of course-books in Рolitical English and is aimed for students of international relations, politics and journalism. At the same time, the book can be widely used by the students, as well as post-graduate ones, who study at the schools of foreign languages, philology, history, state administration, etc. Covering the area beyond those of language course-books, "Fundamentals" supplies a great amount of information on the key issues of modern political culture, including Anglo-Saxon political culture, as the one being part of the language under study. At the same time, being primarily an English language course-book, it supplies lots of linguistic information, including data on the specific functioning of the newest English language. Methodology of language delivery is a combination of modern methods of communicative approach with a traditional one, based on the text analysis. This combination of the leading foreign methodology with the best traditions of the Russian one guarantees a most optimal result and most adequately meets the real needs of a contemporary Russian student.

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About the author
Jioeva A.A.

Doctor of Philological,

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