Moscow University Press
Francophonie studies

Francophonie studies

Франкофонные исследования
book lists french language
ISBN: 978-5-19-011551-2 publication date: 2021 pages': 224

for a wide range of readers — students, master degree students, and postgraduate students, teachers and researchers and everyone who is interested in the French language, the cultures of France and French-speaking countries.


The monograph is devoted to the study of francophonie — a unique multifaceted phenomenon that has linguistic and cultural components. It aims to show the ways of studying francophonie and to clarify the dynamics of its development in the context of current theoretical problems. It also aspires to identify the features of francophonie research as a scientific direction and a promising academic discipline.

The monograph is a multidisciplinary research and is written for a wide range of readers — students, master degree students, and postgraduate students, teachers and researchers and everyone who is interested in the French language, the cultures of France and French-speaking countries.

Keywords: Francophonie, International Organization of Francophonie, francophonie studies, France, francophone countries, French language, culture, spatial variation, area.

To cite this article
Francophonie studies: monograph / T. Yu. Zagryazkina, O. A. Kryukova, E. A. Nevezhina, D. P. Moiseeva; ed. by T. Yu. Zagryazkina. — Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2021. — 224 p.
About the authors
Zagryazkina T. Yu.

Doctor of Philological,

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Kryukova Olga А.

Ph.D in Philological,

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Nevezhina Elizaveta

Ph.D in Philological,

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Moiseeva Darya P.