Moscow University Press
Financial Safety. Financial Investigations

Financial Safety. Financial Investigations

Финансовая безопасность. Финансовые расследования
book lists economics
ISBN: 978-5-19-011386-0 publication date: 2020 format: 60х90 1/16 pages': 572

This manual can be used as an additional source of specialized training of unique specialists — «financial investigators», bachelors and masters of law, possessing in addition to basic criminal law training complex of special knowledge and skills in the financial and budgetary sphere.


This book is the second amended and revised edition of the same textbook. It contains key concepts in the field of economic and financial security, gives an idea of the features of detection, disclosure and investigation of financial crimes. At the same time, special attention is paid to the disclosure of practical examples of combating crimes, the investigation of which is carried out by the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.

This manual can be used as an additional source of specialized training of unique specialists — «financial investigators», bachelors and masters of law, possessing in addition to basic criminal law training complex of special knowledge and skills in the financial and budgetary sphere.

To cite this article
Financial Safety. Financial Investigations. / Ed. by A.G. Khabibulin. Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2019. 576 p.
About the author
Khabibulin A.G.