Moscow University Press
English of Global Economics

English of Global Economics

English of Global Economics
book lists english language
ISBN: 978-5-211-05376-2 publication date: 2009 format: 60х90 1/16 pages': 272

For senior and graduate university students majoring in economics as well as for a wide range of people studying world economic problems.


The manual includes texts dealing with modern economic issues and contains an overall vocabulary and conceptual basis enabling students to easily read and understand the economic literature and to have a sufficient mastery of the professional language required for written and oral communication with their foreign colleagues.

For senior and graduate university students majoring in economics as well as for a wide range of people studying world economic problems.

To cite this article
Timoshina A.A. English of Global Economics. — Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2009. — 272 p.
About the author
Timoshina A.A.