Moscow University Press
Analytical Chemistry at Moscow University

Analytical Chemistry at Moscow University

Аналитическая химия в Московском университете
ISBN: 978-5-19-011773-8 publication date: 2023 format: 60×90/16 pages': 239

For a wide range of readers


The topic of the book is analytical chemistry as a science and applied chemical analysis at Lomonosov Moscow State University. The central place is occupied by the Department of Analytical Chemistry of the Faculty of Chemistry, its scientific achievements, pedagogical activity and its people. Studies at other departments and faculties of the university are also considered. Attention is paid to the training of highly qualified personnel, university graduates who have proved themselves in analytical chemistry. 

The list of books on analytical chemistry written by the university staff is given, the awards received by the staff are named.

To cite this article
Zolotov, Yu. A. Analytical Chemistry at Moscow University / Yu. A. Zolotov. — Moscow : Moscow University Press, 2023. — 239, [1] p. : ill.
About the author
Zolotov Yuriy A.

Doctor of Chemical Sciences,

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