Moscow University Press


book lists chemistry biology
ISBN: 5-211-05218-8 ISBN: 5-02-035746-4 (в пер.) publication date: 2006 format: 60х90/16 pages': 720
The textbook, based on the achievements of agrochemical science, presents new experimental data on increasing the efficiency of fertilizers in the interrelation of factors “soil, climate, fertilizer and plant”. Much attention is paid to the role of agrochemistry in regulating plant nutrition in order to increase yields and the quality of crop products, as well as in reproducing soil fertility, improving the balance and biological cycle of substances. All these issues are considered taking into account the characteristics of natural and climatic conditions. New ecological functions of agrochemistry have been formulated. The scientific basis of zonal fertilization systems and individual crops, their agronomic and environmental assessment are presented. For students of soil specialties at universities, as well as for students of agricultural universities.
To cite this article
Mineev V.G. Agrochemistry. – M.: Moscow University Publishing House Moscow; Nauka, 2006. – 720 p.
About the author
Mineev Vasiliy G.

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences,

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