Moscow University Press
Adat and Shari’a in the Russian Legal System: Historical Destinies of Legal Pluralism in the North Caucasus

Adat and Shari’a in the Russian Legal System: Historical Destinies of Legal Pluralism in the North Caucasus

Адат и Шариат в российской правовой системе: Исторические судьбы юридического плюрализма на Северном Кавказе
book lists law
ISBN: 5-211-04630-7 publication date: 2002 format: 60х90 1/16 pages': 256

For teachers, postgraduate and senior students at humanitarian universities and faculties, as well as for all those interested in this subject.


The monograph considers the historical destinies of legal pluralism in the North Caucasus from the 19th century up to the present day. It offers a systematic exposition of the main problems of Adat and Muslim law application in the processes of the Russian legal systems dynamics over the past two centuries. The general theoretical propositions of the monograph are based on the results of specific historical and legal studies of Adat and Sharia institutionalization in the North Caucasus in different periods of Russian statehood development. The author makes an attempt in his book to reduce to the common denominator ideas that characterize the regulatory and regulatory continuity of Adat and Muslim law among the peoples of the North Caucasus in the past and the present at all levels of historical and legal interpretation of the problem.

For teachers, postgraduate and senior students at humanitarian universities and faculties, as well as for all those interested in this subject.

To cite this article
Misrokov Z.Kh. Adat and Shari’a in the Russian Legal System: Historical Destinies of Legal Pluralism in the North Caucasus. — Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2002. — 256 p.
About the author
Misrokov Z.Kh.