Moscow University Press
Introduction Into Paleoglobalistics

Introduction Into Paleoglobalistics

Введение в палеоглобалистику
book lists global studies
ISBN: 978-5-211-06200-9 publication date: 2010 format: 60х90 1/16 pages': 352

The book is intended for university students (it may be used to study the courses ‘Global Natural Processes’, ‘Concepts of Modern Natural Science’, ‘Geoecology’ and other disciplines), as well as all those interested in the global development of the Earth, life and mankind.


The aim of paleoglobalistics, a new interdisciplinary trend, is to study the laws of the joint history of the Earth, life, humanity and to use this knowledge to explain modern global processes and solve global problems that face human civilization. The book gives a brief description of basic information about the origin of the Earth, the emergence and development of life and global systems. It provides data about the biosphere and the sociosphere, ecology and paleoecology, and about the interaction between geos, bios and noos.

The book is intended for university students (it may be used to study the courses ‘Global Natural Processes’, ‘Concepts of Modern Natural Science’, ‘Geoecology’ and other disciplines), as well as all those interested in the global development of the Earth, life and mankind.

To cite this article
Gabdullin R.R., Ilyin I.V., Ivanov A.V. Introduction Into Paleoglobalistics. — Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2010. — 352 p.
About the authors
Gabdullin R.R. Ilyin I.V. Ivanov A.V.