Moscow University Press
The French Manuscript Tradition of ‘The Life of Saint Stephen of Muret’

The French Manuscript Tradition of ‘The Life of Saint Stephen of Muret’

Рукописная традиция французского «Жития Святого Этьена де Мюре»
ISBN: 978-5-211-05671-8 publication date: 2009 format: 60×90 1/16 pages': 360

The book presents a scientific edition of the full text of the medieval French hagiographic monument ‘The Life of Saint Stephen of Muret’ that has been preserved in four 14th -15th century copies and their translations into Russian. The work includes a study of the linguistic features of these manuscripts and the establishment of the manuscript tradition of the work.
For specialists in the history of the French language and literature and a wide range of readers who are interested in medieval culture, hagiographic literature and medieval church history.

To cite this article
Shkolnikova O.Yu. The French Manuscript Tradition of ‘The Life of Saint Stephen of Muret’ — Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2009. — 360 p.
About the author
Shkolnikova O.Yu.