Moscow University Press
GULAG Press. E.P. Peshkova’s Lists

GULAG Press. E.P. Peshkova’s Lists

Пресса ГУЛАГа. Списки Е.П. Пешковой.
book lists history studies
ISBN: 978-5-211-05726-5 publication date: 2009 format: 60х90 1/16 pages': 224

The book contains two studies united under the Gulag theme. The first one entitled ‘The Gulag Press’ examines closed periodicals which the General Directorate of Camps published in 1918-1955 for distribution among political prisoners. The history of the camp press is presented in the context of the general trends in the development of Soviet journalism at that period. The second study is called ‘E.P. Peshkova’s Lists‘ and deals with a unique phenomenon - the activities of “The Assistance to Political Prisoners’ Foundation which existed from 1922 to mid-1938.

To cite this article
Gorcheva A.Yu. GULAG Press. E.P. Peshkova’s Lists — Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2009. — 224 p.
About the author
Gorcheva A.Yu.