Moscow University Press
Political Region. The Experience Of Operationalization and Conceptualization of the Concept

Political Region. The Experience Of Operationalization and Conceptualization of the Concept

Политический регион. Опыт операционализации и концептуализации понятия
book lists political sciences
ISBN: 978-5-211-05829-3 publication date: 2010 format: 60×90 1/16 pages': 200

Issues of political regionalistics are becoming increasingly important in domestic political science. The monograph analyzes extensive material that gives an idea of the categorical definition of a political region, the sources and factors that contribute to the formation and development of a constituent’s political subjectivity in Russia as well as the relationship between the center and the region. Of great interest is the description of the main features and attributes of a political region with an emphasis on the institutionalization of political activity and the formation of federal relations and regional elite.
For experts in the field of regional policies, representatives of government bodies, teachers, students and all those who are interested in the scientific understanding of political and territorial phenomena and processes.

To cite this article
Polosin A.V. Political Region. The Experience Of Operationalization and Conceptualization of the Concept — Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2010. — 200 p.
About the author
Polosin A.V.