Moscow University Press
Essays on 19th Century Russian Culture. Volume 5. Fiction. Russian Language

Essays on 19th Century Russian Culture. Volume 5. Fiction. Russian Language

Очерки русской культуры XIX в. Том 5. Художественная литература. Русский язык
book lists history studies
ISBN: 5-211-04834-2 publication date: 2005 format: 60х90 1/16 pages': 640

Volume 5 continues the six-volume edition, prepared by scientists of the Faculty of History of Lomonosov Moscow State University, together with other research specialists. This volume is devoted to the problems of the development of Russian literature and language in the context of 19th Century culture.

To cite this article
Koshman L.V., Dergacheva L.D., editors. Essays on 19th Century Russian Culture. Volume 5. Fiction. Russian Language — Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2005. — 640 p.
About the authors
Koshman L. V. Dergacheva L.D.