Moscow University Press
The New Millennium for Russia: A Road to the Future

The New Millennium for Russia: A Road to the Future

Новый миллениум для России: путь в будущее
book lists political sciences
ISBN: 5-211-04440-1 publication date: 2001 format: 60×90 1/16 pages': 224

For social scientists and a wide readership.


The work is the eighth book of the ‘Theoretical Political Science: The World of Russia and Russia in the World’ series following the publication of ‘The Philosophy of Power’, 1993; ‘Russia: the Experience of National and State Ideology’, 1994; ‘Philosophy of Politics’, 1994; ‘Political Anthropology’, 1995; ‘Reforms and Counter-Reforms in Russia’, 1996; Russian Statehood: Origins, Traditions, Perspectives’, 1997; Russian Civilization: Content, Boundaries, Opportunities’, 2000). In discussing the eternal Russian problem of disharmonious components of the social order (values, power, people, economic and political systems), the author makes serious generalizations regarding the conditions for optimizing generative, socially-changing resources, voluntary discipline and cooperation in achieving ideals.

For social scientists and a wide readership.

To cite this article
Ilyin V.V. The New Millennium for Russia: A Road to the Future. — Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2001. — 224 p.
About the author
Ilyin V.V.

Doctor of Philosophy,

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