Moscow University Press
The History of Russian Literature of the 20th century. 1920s through 1950s. Literary process

The History of Russian Literature of the 20th century. 1920s through 1950s. Literary process

История русской литературы ХХ века (20-50-е годы). Литературный процесс
book lists literary studies
ISBN: 5-211-06119-5 publication date: 2006 format: 60х90 1/16 pages': 776

For students and post-graduate students of philological faculties of universities, philology specialists and everyone interested in Russian literature.


The textbook reflects the literary process of 1920s to 1950s, the evolution of artistic methods, the specificity of the development of genres.

For students and post-graduate students of philological faculties of universities, philology specialists and everyone interested in Russian literature.

To cite this article
Avramenko A.P., Bugrov B.S., Golubkov M.M. The History of Russian Literature of the 20th century. 1920s through 1950s. Literary process. — Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2006. — 776 p.
About the authors
Avramenko A.P. Bugrov B.S.

Doctor of Philological,

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Golubkov M.M.

Doctor of Philological,

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