Moscow University Press
Russian Black Earth is More Expensive than Gold

Russian Black Earth is More Expensive than Gold

Дороже золота русский чернозем
book lists biology
ISBN: 5-211-03266-7 publication date: 1994 format: 75×90 1/32 pages': 544

The social and political essays by Dokuchaev, an outstanding scientist, founder of soil science, are comparatively little known to the readership, but they are full of civic spirit and are applicable to our days. Dokuchaev's main concern is the preservation of the fertility of Russian ‘chernozem’ – Black Earth, which, to use his words, is ‘more expensive than gold.’

The scientist thought like a statesman: he put a lot of effort into developing natural science and agronomy in Russia, organizing academic and scientific-social institutions, improving university and agricultural education; he made an invaluable contribution to practice by organizing combined expeditions to combat drought in the country’s steppe regions. Dokuchaev’s thoughts and deeds are still relevant today and may continue to serve as a guide to action if we are to revive domestic land use on a proper scientific basis.

To cite this article
Dokuchaev V.V. Russian Black Earth is More Expensive than Gold. — Moscow: Moscow University Press, 1994. — 544 p.
About the author
Dokuchaev V.V.

Doctor of Mineralogy and geognosy,

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