Moscow University Press
Библиотека факультета государственного управления МГУ

Библиотека факультета государственного управления МГУ

«Мягкая сила» и публичная дипломатия. Курс лекций >Soft Power and Public Diplomacy. Lecture Course

The main purpose of the textbook is to provide students with sufficient knowledge in the field of soft power and public diplomacy, the main aspects of the practical implementation of this foreign policy resource. The paper highlights theoretical issues, as well as historical and modern processes of functioning of the institutions of soft power and public diplomacy of the leading geopolitical actors of the modern world: the United States, Great Britain, Germany, China, Russia, etc. This course of lectures is the first example of educational literature in Russia devoted to the phenomenon of soft power and public diplomacy in world politics.

For students of higher educational institutions of humanities, engaged in the study of international relations and global governance.

The book may also be of interest to a wider audience interested in current issues of global political development.

Антикризисное управление: библиотека специалиста. Математическая составляющая >Anti-Crisis Management: a Specialist’s Library. A Mathematical Component

This manual contains the programs of mathematical disciplines for the Crisis Management Department of the Lomonosov Moscow State University's faculty of Public Administration.

A specialist in crisis management ought to master rather wide range of mathematical models which allow him to clearly formulate a problem in the emergent management situation; algorithms which in their turn allow gradually approaching the desirable result; diverse mathematical apparatus which can help in the quantitative execution of the results of management efforts. These are the motives that have defined a number of disciplines in the presented course as well as their content.

Инновационная экономика >Innovative Economy
This textbook is devoted to the issues of Russia's transition to a new stage of technological development. In it, in the course of examining a whole range of theoretical concepts within the framework of various scientific schools and the results of their practical implementation, the essence of innovative development is revealed. Particular attention is paid to the national innovation system of Russia, issues of formation of the innovation ecosystem and infrastructure elements, directions and forms of implementation of the state innovation policy, trends of scientific and technological development of the country. Modern theory and practice are presented in interaction, which meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education. This approach allows us to analyze modern problems of innovative development based on the best world and domestic experience. The publication is intended for students, postgraduates and teachers of higher educational institutions in management and socio-economic specialties, as well as for those who solve issues of innovation and public administration in practice. The textbook was prepared with the support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research within the framework of grant No. 17-02-00059-OGN "Russian model of the knowledge economy and the system of professional training of personnel: organizational and economic foundations of innovative transformations".
Институт социального партнерства как фактор развития малого бизнеса в России >Institute of Social Partnership as a Factor of Small Business Development in Russia

The monograph explores the development of Russian small business and the institutionalization of social partnership in this area. It reveals the peculiarities of studying small business as an object of economic and sociological analysis and the role of the institution of social partnership in the development of small business. The book also analyzes the dynamics, factors and prospects of small business development in Russia and the features of the social partnership institutionalization process in small business.

For students, graduate students, undergraduates, scientists and practitioners interested in the development of social partnership and small business in Russia.

Модернизация государственного управления: институты и интересы >Modernization of Public Administration: Institutions and Interests

The book presents a mechanism for modernizing public administration, which includes priority goals of national economic and social development in its political agenda. It shows the role of such mechanisms as the political market, lobbyism and accountability. Much attention is paid to the institutional design of reforms. The author presents factors that determine both the success and failure of institutional construction in public administration.

The book will be of interest to specialists in the field of public administration, students of management, economics and political science and all those who are interested in the problems of political development.

Нейрокомпьютерная парадигма и общество >Neurocomputer Paradigm and Society

This multi-authored monograph is dedicated to the application of neuro-computer and some related models in different spheres of social and humanitarian knowledge (political studies, sociology, administration, business ethics, economics) and also fundamental problems of the neuro-computer paradigm development.

The book can be useful for the specialists in various fields of neuro-computing, political forecasting, administration sociology, organization management and state administration as well as for everyone interested in the perspectives of development and application of the neural network technologies, neuro-computers and neuro-modelling, including post-graduates and students of technical, biological and social science specialties.

Речевая коммуникация в бизнесе >Speech Communication in Business

The monograph explores a wide range of business communication issues. In modern information society, the sine qua non condition for successful commercial activity is the ability to create an effective system of business communications both within the organization and in the external environment. The monograph answers the questions about the ways of optimizing communication processes and teaching students to discern their mistakes and eliminate them.

For students, specialists in the field of business communications, businesspersons and all those who are interested in the questions of speech communication in business.

Современный мир и его истоки >The Modern World and Its Origins
The modern world did not emerge yesterday. It has developed over thousands of years as a result of the rise and fall of great powers, wars, conflicts and aspirations of human thought, interaction of cultures, peoples and elites. The architecture of the modern world is presented through its main centers of civilizational attraction, including the West led by the United States, Asia with giants China, India, Japan, Latin America, Africa and, of course, Russia. The book is addressed to students, master's degree students, postgraduate students, teachers of humanities faculties of higher educational institutions, as well as a wide range of readers interested in modern politics.This book was published with the financial support of the Foundation "Russian World (Russkiy Mir)".
Теория и механизмы современного государственного управления >Theory and Mechanisms of Modern Public Administration
The textbook provides a comprehensive understanding of public administration as a system of knowledge that includes methodological, theoretical and empirical components. New approaches are presented aimed at improving the management system, creating mechanisms for translating political decisions into management practice that meet modern requirements. The book is intended for teachers and students studying public administration and politics, as well as for anyone interested in modern problems of interaction between government and society.
Учебное пособие по переводу научной литературы

The purpose of this manual is to develop practical skills of oral, written and oral-written translation, ‘at sight' translation, abstracting and annotating of the scientific text on economics. It will be of interest for undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate students of economics, students of the program Translating in the Sphere of Professional Communication, apprentice translators and for all those who aim to master economic translation on their own.

Шаг за шагом в мир глобальной науки

Globalization of science does not only strengthen the competition, but also gives a range of opportunities for both investors and researchers. In particular, every researcher can easily gain an access to all promising layouts, publications, projects, grants; co-authors and publishing partners in the field of interest; create and promote own international brand or optimize data search process and publication writing process. Many of these opportunities are free for researcher with Google Scholar or Russian data base for researchers and their works – ISTINA. All mentioned options are available simultaneously with Thomson Reuters' products: Web of Knowledge, EndNote Web, Researcher ID. The aim of this manual is to introduce the above mentioned technological solutions to the target audience – researchers and scientists. Ultimate goal is to adapt most recent international and Russian research platforms, data and reference bases for day-to-day work of researchers' community.