Moscow University Press
The Heights of Russian Drama

The Heights of Russian Drama

Вершины русской драмы
book lists literary studies
ISBN: 5-211-04261-1 publication date: 2002 format: 60х90 1/16 pages': 256

For philologists, culturologists, philosophers, university and secondary school teachers, students, inquisitive schoolchildren and those interested in literature and the spiritual history of Russia.


The aim of the first book in the new series ‘Classics of the Genre’ published by the Moscow University Press is to show the national and genre uniqueness of Russian drama, its contribution to world aesthetic development. The author links the difference between domestic drama and foreign models with special ideas of an individual’s destiny, purpose and place in history.

For philologists, culturologists, philosophers, university and secondary school teachers, students, inquisitive schoolchildren and those interested in literature and the spiritual history of Russia.

To cite this article
Mildon V.I. The Heights of Russian Drama. — Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2002. — 256 p.
About the author
Mildon V.I.