Moscow University Press
Theory of translation

Theory of translation

Теория перевода
выбор редакции
ISBN: 978-5-19-011813-1 publication date: 2023 format: 70×100/16

It is intended for students studying the theory of translation within the specialty "Translation and Translation Studies", the direction "Linguistics", as well as for persons studying under the program of additional qualification "Translator in the field of professional communication", and for a wide range of readers


The textbook is devoted to the general theory of translation, a scientific discipline that studies by various methods and techniques the structure and patterns inherent in any translation, regardless of the pair of languages being compared, the form of translation activity and the conditions of its course, the content and functional orientation of the translated texts.

It is intended for students studying the theory of translation within the specialty "Translation and Translation Studies", the direction "Linguistics", as well as for persons studying under the program of additional qualification "Translator in the field of professional communication", and for a wide range of readers who want to get acquainted with this type of complex and socially significant cognitive and communicative activity.

To cite this article
Garbovsky, N.K. Theory of translation: textbook / N.K.Garbovsky. — 4th ed., ispr. and add. — Moscow : Moscow University Press, 2023. — 000, [0] p. : ill. — (Classical University textbook).
About the author
Garbovskiy Nikolay K.

Doctor of Philological,

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