Moscow University Press
Social philosophy. Activity approach to the analysis of man, society, history. Part 1

Social philosophy. Activity approach to the analysis of man, society, history. Part 1

Социальная философия. Деятельностный подход к анализу человека, общества, истории. Часть 1
book lists philosophy
ISBN: 978-5-211-06338-9 publication date: 2013 format: 60х90 1/16 pages': 400
A fundamental educational publication on social philosophy, written by a leading Russian scientist and philosopher. What is man as the creator of social reality? Is there a supra-biological generic nature of man that creates a system of historically universal human values? How is society structured, which represents an organizational form of reproduction of social reality? What is history as a process of development and interaction of different societies and civilizations? These and other questions are answered by the author, using the methodology of the substance-activity approach to the analysis of social reality.
To cite this article
Momdzhyan K.H. Social philosophy. Activity approach to the analysis of man, society, history. Part 1. – M.: Moscow University Publishing House, 2013. – 400 p.
About the author
Momdzhyan K.H.