Moscow University Press
The Use of ‘Hard’ and ‘Soft Power’ for Foreign Policy Purposes. Theory and Practice

The Use of ‘Hard’ and ‘Soft Power’ for Foreign Policy Purposes. Theory and Practice

Применение «жесткой» и «мягкой силы» во внешнеполитических целях. Теория и практика. Сборник научных трудов  школы системных исследований в области политэкономии международных отношений
book lists political sciences
ISBN: 978-5-19-011038-8 publication date: 2015 pages': 448

The book contains scholarly works produced by the School of System Studies in the political economy of international relations and led by A.A. Kokoshin, A.N. Gromyko, A.A. Sidorov. The school was formed at the Faculty of World Politics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, based on the Department of international organizations and world political processes and the Center for security and development problems. The articles were prepared as part of the scientific project ‘Methodology of Systemic Analysis of the Practice of Applying ‘Hard’ and ‘Soft Power’ for
Foreign Policy Purposes’ This project was supported by a grant from the President of the Russian Federation for leading research schools of the Russian Federation (NSH-2427.2014.6). The collection contains articles on military, politico-diplomatic and financial-economic instruments as well as ‘soft power’ tools. The publication is addressed to students, postgraduate students and university and college teachers in the field of ‘International Affairs’ and ‘Political Science’, as well as to all whose who are interested in global policy problems.

To cite this article
Kokoshin A.A., Gromyko A.A., Sidorov A.A., editors. The Use of ‘Hard’ and ‘Soft Power’ for Foreign Policy Purposes. Theory and Practice — Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2015. — 448 p.
About the authors
Kokoshin A.A.

Doctor of History,

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Gromyko A.A. Sidorov A.A.