Moscow University Press
Applied Functional Analysis. Tasks with Solutions

Applied Functional Analysis. Tasks with Solutions

Прикладной функциональный анализ. Задачи с решениями
book lists maths
ISBN: 978-5-19-011255-9 publication date: 2018 format: 60×90 1/16 pages': 108

The book contains examples and problems that allow us to master the methods of functional analysis without using the theory of measure and the Lebesgue integral. The manual is aimed at students specializing in applied mathematics. The reader needs to have prior knowledge of the basics of mathematical analysis and linear algebra.

To cite this article
Melnikov N.B., Artem’eva L.A. Applied Functional Analysis. Tasks with Solutions — Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2018. — 108 p.
About the authors
Melnikov N.B. Artemeva L. A.