Moscow University Press
Leonardo da Vinci: scene designer, musician, artifex

Leonardo da Vinci: scene designer, musician, artifex

Леонардо да Винчи : сценограф, музыкант, artifex
выбор редакции
ISBN: 978-5-19-011964-0 publication date: 2024 format: 70×100/16 pages': 335

The publication is addressed to students, graduate students and art experts, as well as to a wide range of readers interested in theory and history of art, artistic culture of Renaissance Italy.


The book covers little-known phenomena of Leonardo da Vinci's work - his work in the field of scenography, musical practice, and research into the psychological foundations of visual activity. The leading theme of the book is a historical-semiotic study of the principles of creating iconic ensembles introduced into art by the Italian artistic tradition and, to a decisive extent, by the great master Leonardo da Vinci. The research is based on the methodology of comprehensive historical analysis of textual and iconographic material, fragments and drawings from Leonardo’s notebooks (codes). Illustrations are based on open sources and photographs of the author. Drawings from Leonardo's codices are based on digitized manuscripts available in the public domain.

The publication is addressed to students, graduate students and art experts, as well as to a wide range of readers interested in theory and history of art, artistic culture of Renaissance Italy.

To cite this article
Leonardo da Vinci: scene designer, musician, artifex: monograph / A. P. Lobodanov. - M.: Publishing House of Moscow State University,2024. - 335, [1] p. : ill. — (Works of outstanding scientists of Moscow State University).
About the author
Lobodanov A.P.

Doctor of Philological,

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