Moscow University Press
Science Will Generate More Wealth for The North

Science Will Generate More Wealth for The North

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book lists education
ISBN: 978-5-211-05413-4 publication date: 2007 format: 60х90 1/16 pages': 536

The publication is intended for heads of higher educational institutions and research centers, university teachers, researchers, graduate and postgraduate students, all those interested in the history and contemporary problems of science and higher education.


The book reveals the history of the development of science and higher education in Russia and the current problems they are facing. It investigates the specific features of these processes in the European North in the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries, and highlights the role the Lomonosov Pomor State University and the scientific activities of its professors, teachers and researchers in developing this strategically important region of Russia. It also analyzes key problems and tendencies in the university’s scientific research work and scientific and teaching staff training and certification.

The publication is intended for heads of higher educational institutions and research centers, university teachers, researchers, graduate and postgraduate students, all those interested in the history and contemporary problems of science and higher education.

To cite this article
Goldin V.I. Science Will Generate More Wealth for The North. — Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2007. — 536 p.
About the author
Goldin V.I.